Search Inmates in Dawson County, Montana. Results May Include: Arrests, Bookings, Arrest Date, Mugshot, Bond Amount, Bond #, Charge Type, Charge, Total Bond, Description.

Dawson County Montana Sheriff Overview

Dawson County is located in the eastern part of Montana. Its county seat is Glendive. Dawson County was established in 1869 from the northern half of the original Big Horn County and named after Major Andrew Dawson who was a manager of the Fort Benton Trading Post for the American Fur Company. The zip codes in Dawson County are 59315, 59339, 59326, 59353 and 59330.

Dawson County Sheriff’s Office is run by Sheriff Ross E. Canen. Tammera Helmuth is the Clerk of Court. Her office is located on 207 West Bell in Glendive. If you want to reach out to Ms. Helmuth send an email to [email protected]. For emergencies, please use 911.

Dawson County Law Enforcement Center:
Address: 440 Colorado Boulevard Glendive, MT 59330
Phone: 406-377-7600
Fax: 406-377-7602

Inmate Search in Dawson County Jail

Call the Correctional Facility directly on 406-377-7600 to get the current inmate arrest information. Alternatively, access the

on the website of the Law Enforcement Center to look currently incarcerated Dawson County inmates. For a general overview of Montana offender, perform a web lookup in the Montana Correctional Offender Network, by using offender’s ID number, first and last name filters.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures:

State inmates housed in the Dawson County Jail can get maximum of two contact visits per month. All visitors must bring an adequate ID for age verification.

State Inmates contact visits
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
From 9:30am to 11:30am
From 1:30pm to to 4:30pm

State Inmates non-contact visits
Tuesday and Friday
From 9:30am to 11:30am
From 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

County Inmate visits
Tuesday and Friday
From 9:30am to 11:30am
From 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

Inmate phone services
Use the phone services provided by Telmate by calling 1-866-516-0115.
Make outgoing calls on a pre-paid account.

Inmate money
Use the lobby kiosk in the Dawson County Correctional Facility, money orders or bank drafts sent by mail. Personal checks are not permitted.

Inmate mail
Only letters are allowed and all letters are inspected. The mail must contain the inmate’s full name, as well as the sender’s name and return address.

Working at Dawson County Jail or Sheriff’s Office:

If you are interested into working in Dawson County criminal justice facilities or similar government-funded job positions search through the available positions on the Glendive Job Service.

There, you can complete an employment application which needs to be sent to:
Dawson County Human Resources
207 W. Bell Street, Glendive, MT 59330.

For example, to read about the duties for a current full-time open position for a County Attorney you need to check Montana Code Annotated Title 7, Chapter 4, Part 27. The salary depends on the candidate’s qualifications and benefits include health and life insurance, sick and vacation leave, paid holidays and PERS retirement plans.

Sex Offender Search and Lookup:

When a person commits a sex or a violent offense, such as rape, kidnapping, sexual abuse or assault, lewd conduct or indecent exposure or other sexual behavior against the will of another person, he or she is classified as a sex offender. All sex offenders must register in the designated registries founded on federal level and in each state. To find Dawson County sex offenders search in the

The state registry contains records provided by the court, by the state or correctional facilities, as well as from offenders.

Bail and Bondsman

In the court order, the judge sets the bail amount to enable the arrested person to get out of custody and prepare for trial from freedom. In case you do not own the money for the bail bond amount, you can use a commercial bail bonding agency. All bail must be posted as cash, money order or bank draft. Personal checks are not permitted. The bonding agent will complete the bailout procedure on your behalf, charging a service fee. The fee is non-refundable, so you should arrange it before you sign for the bail loan.

Dawson County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined18
Avg Daily Population21
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll48
Full time total employees48
Total salaries and wagesnot applicable
Other operating expendituresnot applicable
Total construction costsnot applicable
Equipment, furnishings, etcnot applicable
Year of original constructionnot applicable
Year of major renovationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable


Dawson County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 20164,695
Number Employed Annual Average, 20164,514
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 2016181
Unemployment Rate, 20163.9
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201556,648
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Dawson County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 20141,004
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201511.0
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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