Search Inmates in Lafayette County, Mississippi . Results May Include: Arrests, Jail Docket, Arrest Date, Mugshot, Current Location, Current Housing Section, Current Housing Block, Current Housing Cell, Commitment Date, Release Date, Alias, Detainer Information, Bond Information, Case #, Amount, Status, Posted by, Post Date, Charge Information, Offense Date, Code, Description, Grade, Degree.

Lafayette County Mississippi Sheriff Overview

Lafayette County is located in the Northeast region of Mississippi. It was established in 1836 and named in honor of the Marquis de Lafayette, a French military officer who fought in the American Revolutionary War. The county seat is Oxford. The zip codes in Lafayette County are 38627, 38673, 38675, 38871, 38949, 38601, 38619, 38965, and 38655.

The head law enforcement officer in Lafayette County is Sheriff F. D. “Buddy” East. You can get in touch with him at 662-234-6421. His second-in-command is Chief Deputy Scott Mills who is in charge of overseeing the day-to-day operations of the department. You can reach him at [email protected]. The Jail Administrator is Johnny McDonald. You can reach him at [email protected].

Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office:

Address: 711 Jackson Avenue, Oxford, MS 38655

Phone: 662-234-6421

Fax: 662.236.0203

Inmate Search in Lafayette County Jail

The Lafayette County Jail does not have an online list of inmates currently housed in the facility. If you wish to locate an inmate here, you can call 662-234-6421 or get in touch with Jail Administrator Johnny McDonald at [email protected].

Important Jail Policies and Procedures:

All inmates in the Lafayette County Detention Center are allowed to receive visits. Each inmate must complete the required paperwork and have been placed in general population before they are allowed one visit of up to 30 minutes per week. Visits may not be divided into sections. One visit means one visit of any length. The visitation week starts every Monday.

A list of proposed visitors (no more than 6 names) must be submitted by the inmate to the staff. Background checks will be performed on each name. Visitors must be over the age of 12 and possess a valid picture ID on their person. An inmate is allowed up to three visitors at a time. No personal items will be allowed inside the facility except for vehicle keys and the ID.

The visiting schedule for this facility is each weekday (M-F) from 1pm to 4:30pm.

To correspond with an inmate via mail, you must address it in the following manner:

Inmate’s Name

Lafayette County Detention Center

711 Jackson Avenue East

Oxford, MS 38655

To send funds to an inmate, you can drop off cash at the reception window. The maximum amount in the inmate’s account at any time is $500. Money orders may be mailed to an inmate. Make sure that the money order is made out to the inmate.

Sex Offender Search and Lookup:

Based on federal law, sex offenders are required to provide his or her name and other vital information to local law enforcement for recording into the sex offender database of the state he or she currently lives in. The information is also entered into the national sex offender registry. Persons who have been found guilty of a sex crime such as rape, sexual assault, and child pornography are classified as sex offenders. You can locate sex offenders residing in Lafayette County if you visit.

Before you start your search, please make sure to read the disclaimer. The state of Mississippi cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information in the database. Some of your search results may turn up previous addresses of sex offenders instead of current ones. Or, you may get incomplete addresses such as just the neighborhood where the house is located but not the exact address.

Bail and Bondsman

Bail is the money or property that is pledged to the court in exchange for the temporary release of a suspect who has been charged with a crime while the trial has yet to start. If the accused fails to show up in court on the day of his or her trial, the money or property is forfeited.

A defendant can use the services of a bondsman if he or she does not have enough money to post bail. The bondsman will charge a non-refundable fee, usually no more than 10% of the bail. In return, the bondsman will sign the bond and be held liable for paying the entire amount if the defendant does not return to court once the trial starts.

Lafayette County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined132
Avg Daily Populationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll21
Full time total employees21
Total salaries and wagesnot applicable
Other operating expendituresnot applicable
Total construction costsnot applicable
Equipment, furnishings, etcnot applicable
Year of original constructionnot applicable
Year of major renovationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable


Lafayette County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 201626,222
Number Employed Annual Average, 201624,954
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 20161,268
Unemployment Rate, 20164.8
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201543,435
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Lafayette County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 20149,881
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201521.0
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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