Search Inmates in Henry County, Indiana. Results May Include: Arrests, Charges, Mugshot, Booking Date, Booking Number, Status, Description, Code, Level, Count, Personal Description

Henry County Indiana Sheriff Overview

Henry County is located in Central Indiana. It was established in 1822 and named after the governor of Virginia, Patrick Henry. The county seat is New Castle. The zip codes in Henry County are 47337, 47344, 47351, 47352, 47356, 47361, 47360, 47366, 47362, 46148, 47385, 47387, 47386, and 47388.

The head law enforcement officer in Henry County is Sheriff Richard A McCorkle. Major Jay Davis is his second-in-command. He oversees the daily operations of the entire department. You can reach him at [email protected].

Henry County Sheriff’s Office:
Address: 127 N 12th Street. New Castle, IN, 47362
Phone: 765-529-4901, 765-521-7032
Fax: 765-521-3745

Inmate Search in Henry County Jail

The Henry County Jail does not have an inmate roster available online. To locate an individual at this facility, you will need to call 765-529-5201.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures:

Inmates at the Henry County Jail are allowed one 30-minute visit with family and friends. All visits are non-contact electronic visits. All visitors must arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled visitation and sign in on the log. Each inmate is allowed 4 visitors per visitation day.

Visitation hours are as follows:

E & F BLOCK – 0800 to 1200
A & B BLOCK – 1230 to 1930

C & D BLOCK – 0800 to 1330
G BLOCK – 0800 to 1000
I BLOCK – 0800 to 1500 Hours
H BLOCK – 1030 to 1330 Hours
E & F BLOCK – 1600 to 1930

A & B BLOCK – 0800 to 1400
G BLOCK – 1430 to 1630
C, D & I BLOCK – 1430 to 2000
H BLOCK – 1700 to 2000 Hours

Inmates housed in the Henry County Jail Annex are allowed one 50-minute visit with their guests. All other visitation rules apply. The visitation schedule for these inmates are as follows:

Sunday WR/CS Men
Sunday WR/CS Women
Monday LD/NS Men
Wednesday LD/NS Women

Sex Offender Search and Lookup:

Federal law mandates that all sex offenders must give their information to local law enforcement who, in turn, will submit it to the state and national sex offender registries for the purpose of increasing public safety and awareness. A sex offender is defined as a person who has been found guilty of a sexually oriented offense such as rape, sexual assault, and prostitution. If you wish to locate sex offenders in Henry County, you can go to

You will need to read and acknowledge the disclaimer provided before you are allowed to use the registry. You may find that some entries are no longer current such as last known addresses of offenders. This is because not all offenders submit their information.

Bail and Bondsman

Bail is when the court allows an accused individual to stay out of jail while awaiting trial in exchange for his assurance that will show up in court when his trial starts. The assurance comes in the form of a pledge of money or property that will be forfeited if he fails to appear in court as promised.

A defendant that cannot post bail because of money problems can get a bondsman to act as a surety. For a fee, the bondsman will guarantee payment of the entire bail if the defendant misses a court appearance. The fee is typically equal to 10% of the bail amount and cannot be refunded.

Contact the Henry County Public Defender
Public defender’s provide: counsel upon arrest, representation during criminal investigative proceedings, interviewing witnesses, arrange bail, conduct pretrial discovery, withdraw pleas, suppression of evidence motions, jury selection, opening statements, legal research, and more
Name:Henry County Public Defender
Address:1201 Race Street, New Castle, Indiana, 47362
Henry County Probation Department
Probation officers hold offenders accountable by ensuring that financial restitution is being paid to victims and community service is completed. The probation department provides warrant searches, sex offender lookups, DWI conviction information, adult or youth misdemeanor and felony offense records.
Office:Henry County Probation Department
Location:1215 Race Street, New Castle, Indiana, 47362
Henry County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined199
Avg Daily Population203
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll27
Full time total employees27
Total salaries and wagesnot applicable
Other operating expendituresnot applicable
Total construction costsnot applicable
Equipment, furnishings, etcnot applicable
Year of original constructionnot applicable
Year of major renovationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable

Address: 127 N. 12TH ST. NEW CASTLE IN 47362

Henry County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 201622,147
Number Employed Annual Average, 201621,118
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 20161,029
Unemployment Rate, 20164.6
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201547,954
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Henry County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 20146,636
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201514.7
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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