Search Inmates in Greene County, Indiana. Results May Include: Arrests, Charges, Mugshot, Booking Date, Booking Number, Status, Description, Code, Level, Count, Personal Description

Greene County Indiana Sheriff Overview

Greene County is located in the southern region of Indiana. It was founded in 1821 and named after American Revolutionary War General Nathanael Greene. The county seat is Bloomfield. The zip codes in Greene County are 47848, 47424, 47438, 47443, 47441, 47445, 47449, 47453, 47457, 47459, 47465, and 47471.

Sheriff Mike Hasler is the head law enforcement officer in Greene County. You can reach him at (812)384-4422. Susan Fowler serves as the Greene County Clerk. Her office has several functions including voter registration, supervising elections, and issuing marriage licenses. You can reach her at 812-384-8532.

Greene County Sheriff’s Office:
Address: 204 County Road 70 E, Bloomfield, IN 47424
Phone: (812) 384-4411

Inmate Search in Greene County Jail

The Greene County Jail does not maintain an online database of inmates currently incarcerated in the facility. To locate an individual at this facility, please contact the Sheriff’s Office (812) 384-4411.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures:

Inmates at the Greene County Jail are permitted visits with family and friends only if they are currently serving sentences that are more than 3 days. Starting on Sunday of each week, each inmate is given a total of 1 hour of visits brown down in two 30-minute intervals. Multiple visitors for the same inmate may visit at the same time but only one visitor 18 years old or above is allowed in the visitation room at a time. Visitors younger than 18 must be accompanied by an adult visiting the same inmate.

All visitors must show a current photo ID. They must also sign in on the visitation log and list the start and departure time of their visit. Those who fail to include these two details will be charged the full hour. That time will be deducted from the following week if the visitor goes over his allotted time. If the visitor requests for the two 30-minute sessions, he/she must sign in again for the second visit.

The visitation schedule is as follows:

Maximum: A Block
Sunday – 8:30am to 11am
Tuesday – 6pm to 8pm
Friday – 1pm to 3pm

Medium: D Block
Sunday – 1pm to 3pm
Tuesday – 8:30am to 11am
Friday – 6pm to 8pm

Minimum: B, C, & E Blocks
Sunday – 8:30am to 11am, 1pm to 3pm, 6pm to 8pm
Wednesday – 1pm to 3pm, 6pm to 8pm
Saturday – 8:30am to 11am, 1pm to 3pm, 6pm to 8pm

Female: F1 & F2 Blocks
Sunday – 6pm to 8pm
Tuesday – 1pm to 3pm
Friday – 8:30am to 11am

Inmates may only receive correspondence sent through the US Postal Service. It should be addressed in the following manner:

Inmate’s Name
Greene County Jail
PO Box 267
Bloomfield, IN 47424

Family and friends can deposit funds into an inmate accounts by calling 1-800-604-7888 (option #3) or going online at Use PLC# 8671. To mail money, make sure to only send postal money orders.

Sex Offender Search and Lookup:

A person convicted of a sex crime such as rape, sexual assault, and prostitution is classified as a sex offender. Federal law states all sex offenders must have their information entered in the sex offender databases maintained by the state and the US Department of Justice. Greene County locals who want to locate sex offenders in their neighborhood can visit

The disclaimer provided should be read first before the information is accessed. You must also bear in mind that some offenders do not comply with the registration law which means that you may encounter previously known addresses showing up in your search results.

Bail and Bondsman

To secure his release from custody or jail, an accused individual must post bail. Bail is the money placed in the court’s keeping in exchange for granting the defendant freedom with the understanding that he will appear at his trial once it starts. The money is forfeited if the defendant doesn’t show up.

If the defendant lacks the funds for posting bail, a bondsman can be hired to act as a surety. The cost of hiring a bondsman is usually 10% of the bail amount.

Contact the Greene County Public Defender
Public defender’s provide: counsel upon arrest, representation during criminal investigative proceedings, interviewing witnesses, arrange bail, conduct pretrial discovery, withdraw pleas, suppression of evidence motions, jury selection, opening statements, legal research, and more
Name:Green County Public Defender
Address:1 East Main Street, Bloomfield, Indiana, 47424
Hours:Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Greene County Probation Department
Probation officers hold offenders accountable by ensuring that financial restitution is being paid to victims and community service is completed. The probation department provides warrant searches, sex offender lookups, DWI conviction information, adult or youth misdemeanor and felony offense records.
Office:Greene County Probation Department
Location:PO Box 109, Bloomfield, Indiana, 47424
Greene County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined69
Avg Daily Population81
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll8
Full time total employees8
Total salaries and wagesnot applicable
Other operating expendituresnot applicable
Total construction costsnot applicable
Equipment, furnishings, etcnot applicable
Year of original constructionnot applicable
Year of major renovationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable

Address: 70 EAST BLOOMFIELD IN 47424

Greene County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 201613,721
Number Employed Annual Average, 201612,818
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 2016903
Unemployment Rate, 20166.6
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201547,952
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Greene County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 20144,710
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201514.7
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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