Search Court Records in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Results Include: Court Dockets, Case Number, Charges, Defendant Address, Filed Location, Disposition, Arraignment, Statute, Level, Degree, Courthouse, Probate, Civil Records, Case Type, Defendant Records.

St. Croix County, WI Court System Information

St. Croix County is a county in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. As of the 2010 census, the population was 84,345. Its county seat is Hudson.

Court Information

St. Croix County is within the Wisconsin Court of Appeals District III and served by a Municipal Court and the 10th District Circuit Court.

St. Croix County, WI Court Overview

The following courts are located in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. This list is not meant to be comprehensive and only lists courts with pages on Ballotpedia.

  1. Wisconsin Court of Appeals District III
  2. St. Croix County Circuit Court, Wisconsin

Visitation Information

Office Hours:
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Physical Address:
St. Croix County Courthouse
1101 Carmichael Rd,
Hudson, WI 54016

St. Croix County Clerk of Circuit Court:

Kristi Severson, Clerk of Courts
1101 Carmichael Rd
Suite 2402
Hudson, WI 54016
Phone: 715-386-4630
Fax: 715-381-4396
Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Service and Responsibilities:

The Clerk of the Circuit Courts Office provides administrative and record-keeping services for the circuit courts and the citizens of St. Croix County. The Clerk of Circuit Court Office holds responsibility of all court proceedings, and collects various fines and forfeitures as well as budgeting and administering trial court resources. In addition, the duties and services provided by the Clerk of the Circuit Court includes, accounting, civil, county ordinance violations, criminal and family cases, juvenile ordinance violations, paternity, small claims and traffic matters, docketing pleadings, entering judgments, filing new cases, preparing conviction papers for those sentenced to prison, receipting and disbursing fees and fines, reporting case dispositions to the proper agencies, scheduling cases for hearing and taking court minutes. Moreover, the Clerk of Circuit Court also issues and processes search warrants, provide the court with jurors, records retention management, collects witness fees, court ordered fines/costs and guardian ad litem fees, processes order for psychological evaluations, records juror attendance and docket money judgments.

St. Croix County Circuit Court Judges:

Honorable Scott J. Nordstrand, Judge (Branch 1)

Honorable Edward F. Vlack, Judge (Branch 2)

Honorable Scott R. Needham, Judge (Branch 3)

Honorable R. Michael Waterman, Judge (Branch 4)

St. Croix County Register in Probate:

Ericka S Nelson, Register in Probate
1101 Carmichael Rd
Suite 2242
Hudson, WI 54016
Phone: 715-386-4619
Fax: 715-381-4318
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Service and Responsibilities:

The Office of the Register in Probate provides assistance to the public, courts, and attorneys with formal and informal probate related cases including; guardianships and protective placements, conservatorships, civil commitments, trusts, adoption and termination of parental rights proceedings. Besides, the Register in Probate Office also collects funds through juvenile forfeitures, filing fees, costs and attorney fee reimbursements in guardianship, commitment, juvenile and probate matters.

St. Croix County, WI County Clerk

Cindy Campbell, County Clerk
1101 Carmichael Rd
Suite 1400
Hudson, WI 54016
Phone: 715-386-4607 or 715-386-4608
Fax: 715-381-4400
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Services and Responsibilities:

The St. Croix County Clerk is an elected constitutional officer, responsible for keeping records for various basic county functions as well as providing administrative services and records retention for the County Board of Supervisors. Besides, the County Clerk Office issues marriage licenses, domestic partnership terminations, dog license issuance to municipalities, work permits – minors under the age of 16 and timber cutting notices. Furthermore, the County Clerk Office acts as a Passport Acceptance Agent, accepting passport applications and fees for processing.

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