Search Inmates in William P. Clements Unit (BC). Results Include: Mugshots, Arrests, Bookings, Criminal Records, Status, Booking No, Booking Date, Age, Bond Amount, Address Given, Charges, Statute, Court Case Number, Charge, Degree Level, Bond.

William P. Clements Unit (BC), Potter County, Texas Overview

The William P. “Bill” Clements Unit (BC) is a state prison of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) located in unincorporated Potter County, Texas, United States, east of the City of Amarillo. The Clements Unit is a mixed custody prison and inmates range from G-1 minimum security to G5 maximum security and administrative segregation. Clements unit has the capacity to house up to 3,798 male inmates.

Capacity: 3,798


Adam Gonzales
Clements Unit
9601 Spur 591
Amarillo, TX 79107-9606
Phone: (806)-381-7080 (**037)

Region V Director’s Office:
David Blackwell, Regional Director
304 West 6th Street
Plainview, TX 79072
Phone: (806) 296-4500
Fax: (806) 296-4521

Visitation Hours:

Saturdays and Sundays: 8am-5pm.

Visitation Policies:

  1. Confirm the offender is assigned to the unit you are planning to visit and has visitation privileges. Visitors should call the unit for final confirmation before traveling to the unit.
    Confirm the unit visitation schedule and verify that visitation has not been canceled. An eligible offender cannot receive visitors if visitation has been canceled. Unit wide visitation cancelations are posted on the TDCJ homepage at
  2. Proper identification is needed before visiting the inmates. Visitors 18 years of age and older must have a pictured and signed identification (ID). One of the following is required: State driver license; State Department of Public; Safety (DPS) ID card; Armed Forces ID card; Passport; ID card issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security, US Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS); for instance, Visa Border Crossing ID Card (USA B1/B2 Visa BCC).
  3. At least one of the identification documents used to determine identity must contain a current physical address. (Exceptions will be made for victims of family violence who have been certified by the attorney general to have address protection.)
  4. Make sure you are not bringing prohibited items on the unit. Vehicles and visitors are subject to search by unit staff. Items allowed inside the secured perimeter of a unit: A small wallet, clear plastic bag (Ziploc® type) or change purse; $25 cash (in coins) – Vending machines are available in the visitation areas; Offender visitors with infants or small children may bring no more than three diapers, a supply of baby wipes, and two baby bottles (“sippy” cup for toddlers). These items shall be stored in a clear plastic bag.
  5. Prohibited Items not allowed inside the secured perimeter of a unit: Any food items, purses, diaper bags, briefcases, cameras, baby strollers, toys, dolls, photographs or photograph albums, paper money, knives, drugs, medication (exceptions are granted regarding prescribed medications on a case-by-case basis), tobacco, lighters, matches, cell phones, pagers, laptop computers, cameras, digital recorders or any other type of electronic/wireless devices, or any other non-authorized items.
  6. Do not bring cash (except coins, not more than $25).
  7. No cell phones inside the secure perimeter are permitted.
  8. Special visits or visits requiring special accommodations should be arranged prior to the visit. If you have made special arrangements with the unit, call prior to leaving to ensure that plans for your visit have been made and are in place.
  9. Spiritual visits must be coordinated through the warden’s office.
  10. Each offender is only allowed one visit per weekend. To the extent possible, individuals on an offender’s Visitors List should coordinate with one another and with the offender to prevent subsequent visitors from being declined when they arrive at the unit.
  11. Visits may be terminated and visitors may be removed from the offender’s Visitors List because of improper conduct. Individuals who have been removed from an offender’s Visitors List can submit a written appeal to the Director’s Review Committee (DRC), PO Box 99, Huntsville, TX 77342. The appeal must be submitted within 14 days of the date on the written notice of removal from the unit.
  12. Any intoxicating beverages (i.e., a beverage containing any amount of alcohol or drugs used for the purpose of altering one’s mental state);
  13. Any controlled substance (as defined by Section 481.002, Texas Health and Safety Code) or dangerous drugs (as defined by Section 483.001, Texas Health and Safety Code) and not otherwise permitted by Article 38.11, Texas Penal Code;
  14. Any firearm or instrument customarily used or designed to be used as a dangerous weapon or having explosive substance. A person who is licensed under Chapter 411, Subchapter H, Texas Government Code to carry a handgun, may possess the handgun on TDCJ property if the unloaded gun is in a: locked weapons box in a locked vehicle; locked compartment of a locked vehicle; the trunk of a locked vehicle with a locking device attached to the firearm; or locked vehicle with the firearm concealed from view and a locking device attached to the firearm; and
  15. Any instrument that may be used in affecting or attempting to affect an escape.
  16. All vehicles on TDCJ property are subject to search. All individuals shall ensure all vehicle doors, windows, and trunks are secured and locked. The beds of trucks shall be free of garden tools, clothes, or anything that could be used as a weapon or aide in an escape. All tools in the bed of the truck shall be secured.
  17. Appropriate undergarments must be worn (i.e., bra, slip, and underwear).
  18. No additional clothing is permitted to be carried into the facility.
  19. Inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to: see-through clothing of any kind, tops or dresses that expose the midriff or have open backs or open sides, sleeveless clothing such as halter tops, tube tops, cropped tops, tank tops, and muscle shirts), low-cut clothing cut in a manner that exposes the chest, any clothing that inappropriately exposes undergarments, skirts, dresses, shorts, culottes with the hem or slit above the mid-knee, wrap-around skirts/dresses or break-away type pants, etc.

Deposit/Commissary Accounts:

Inmate Trust Fund
The Inmate Trust Fund, authorized by Texas Government Code § 501.014, provides safekeeping of an offender’s funds, to which the offender may have access to, but not physical control of, during their confinement.

Inmate Mailing Address:
Inmate Name, ID Number
​Clements Unit
9601 Spur 591
Amarillo, TX 79107-9606

Clements Unit
9601 Spur 591
Amarillo, TX 79107-9606
Phone: (806)-381-7080 (**037)

Security Level: Maximum, G1-G5, Administrative Segregation, Mental Health (PAMIO)
Type(s) of offenders: Adult Men

Sending Money To An Inmate:

Money can be sent to inmate’s Inmate Trust Fund through the following methods:

  1. Money Orders or Cashier’s Checks
  2. Monthly Checking Account Debit (ACH)
  3. Access Corrections – Secure Deposits
  4. ACE – America’s Cash Express
  5. eCommDirect provided by
  6. JPay
  7. TouchPay Payment System

Cash and personal checks are not accepted and will be returned to the sender. Single transaction deposits of $500.00 or more as well as insurance, company, payroll and estate checks and other like disbursements are held 14 days before offender access is authorized.

TDCJ Texas Department of Criminal Justice Offender Search

Incarceration/Sentence Information:
Name, TDCJ Number, Race, Gender, Projected Release Date, Unit of Assignment, and Age.

Please Share Your Experiences Visiting Or Staying In This Facility

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