Search Inmates in Lea County Correctional Center (LCCF). Results Include: Mugshots, Arrests, Bookings, Criminal Records, Status, Booking No, Booking Date, Age, Bond Amount, Address Given, Charges, Statute, Court Case Number, Charge, Degree Level, Bond.
Lea County Correctional Center (LCCF), Lea County, New Mexico Overview
Opened in 1998, The Lea County Correctional Facility (LCCF) is a medium-security prison for men located four miles north-west of Hobbs, New Mexico. The facility can house 1,200 state inmates of the New Mexico Corrections Department, and is operated by the private GEO Group under a contract administered through the county.
Capacity: 1,200
Dwayne Santistevan
6900 West Millen
Hobbs, New Mexico 88244
Phone 575.392.4055
Fax 575.392.2237
Email: [email protected]
George Stephenson, Assistant Warden – Security
David Brown, Assistant Warden – Programs
Perla Valdez, Assistant Warden – Finance & Administration
Visitation Hours:
General Population:
Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Holidays from 8:30am-3:30pm.
Housing Unit 4 (GP-4):
Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays from 8:30am-3pm.
Visitation Policies:
- An Inmate may be limited to three visitors (six years of age and older) and limited to three children (five years of age or younger) at any one time if space permits.
- If a number of visitors wish to visit an inmate, the visitors may divide the time allotted for the visit and alternate once during the visit. However, after a visitor has been processed out of the visiting area, that visitor is not allowed to return into the visiting area for that day.
- An inmate and visitors are responsible for the conduct of infants and children and shall be required to monitor and exercise proper control of them during the visit.
- Inmates shall not be denied visiting privileges with persons of their choice, except when the Warden or designee can present clear and convincing evidence that such visitation jeopardizes the safety and security of the institution or others, or except as otherwise provided herein.
- No persons shall be denied permission to visit, solely because of their sex, marital status, status as an ex-offender (except former inmates), or because of the marital status of the inmate. Visitors listed on more than one inmate visiting list at any one facility may be denied if not a relative.
- Individuals on Probation/Parole (with permission of his or her Probation/Parole Officer) and ex-offenders will be reviewed by the Deputy Warden for approval.
- Inmates in general populations, who are incarcerated with a relative, may be allowed to visit together with approval of the Deputy Warden.
- Visiting hours may be limited and may be altered due to holidays, overcrowding, adverse weather security risks, construction, health hazards, etc. Visitors will be notified upon arrival if a limitation exists.
- Visitors who must travel a long distance and may only be able to visit once a month or longer, may request an extended visit which shall be reviewed by the Deputy Warden and may be approved on a case-by-case basis.
- Each inmate may have up to 15 approved visitors on their visiting list, regardless of relationship, provided that they have been cleared by the Deputy Warden’s office.
- The Warden or designee may authorize an increase in the size of the list due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., the inmate’s family is larger than 15 people).
- No visitor under the age of 18 will be allowed to visit without first having been properly identified and accompanied by a responsible adult relative, a parent or legal guardian or has been verified as the inmate’s legal spouse.
- Restroom facilities shall be available during visits. Only one adult person will be permitted in any one restroom at any one time. Facilities may use controlled entry devices or locks in order to prevent access to more than one adult person into a restroom at any one time. Children that need assistance, or for purposes of a diaper change, may enter with a visiting parent.
- Visitors with infants will be permitted to enter with or have access to; 2 plastic bottles or a sip-cup, 3 diapers, a blanket, baby wipes, factory sealed baby food and one plastic baby spoon, a pacifier, baby carrier, etc. Any other items needed that are not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Shift Commander.
- Visitors are not permitted to enter the visiting area with hats, sunglasses (unless prescription), pagers, cell-phones, any electronic device not associated with an immediate medical health condition, tobacco items of any kind, matches or lighters, or any device, object, or substance whether animate or inanimate that is capable of causing injury or fear of injury, nor alcohol, controlled substances, cards, papers of any kind or any other personal items.
- Visitors will surrender all personal items to the Visiting Officer for inspection and approval. The Shift Commander on a case-by-case basis shall make a determination on any questionable items not covered by this policy.
- Visitors should take precautions to time their visits to not coincide with the need for the application of prescription medicine, including insulin, when possible. All prescription medicine, including insulin, will remain in the visitor’s vehicle and should a need for these medicines arise and the visit is not concluded, a Correctional Officer shall accompany the visitor to their vehicle and then back to the visiting area.
- Under no circumstances will prescription medicines, including insulin, be allowed into the visiting area.
- Visitors are required to exit the visiting area with all property that they originally entered with, except for loose change that was used in vending machines or items that were properly disposed of such as a dirty diaper.
- Under no circumstances is a visitor allowed to pass possession of any item to an inmate.
- Inmates that are permitted a brief hug and kiss are permitted only that. Abuse of this privilege will not be tolerated and immediate suspension of a visit may occur for prolonged hugging and kissing, French kissing, or excessive displays of affection that disrupt the visiting environment.
- Any disorderly conduct, which includes the use of hostile, vulgar, or profane language, unruly behavior, engaging in activities that disrupt or disturb others, creating loud noises, creating unsanitary conditions or which disrupts the orderly operation of the visiting room is prohibited.
- Any attempt to circumvent the regulations outlined in this policy statement may result in immediate and future suspension of visiting privileges or other administrative or legal remedy pursuant to the laws of the State of New Mexico.
- Special visit requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis in accordance with established program requirements.
- No visits will be authorized except for those visitors approved by the institution or those approved for a special visit.
- All approved visitors that are 16 years of age and older, must surrender a valid picture ID upon entering a facility for visiting. The following are recognized picture ID’s: Drivers license from any state; State identification from any state; Passport; Military I.D.; Immigration card picture I.D.; Senior Citizen I.D.; Honor Citizens I.D.; High-School I.D.
Inmate Mailing Address:
Inmate Name, ID Number
Lea County Correctional Facility
6900 West Millen
Hobbs, New Mexico 88244
Lea County Correctional Facility
6900 West Millen
Hobbs, New Mexico 88244
Phone: (575)-392-4055
Security Level: Medium
Type(s) of offenders: Adult Men
NMCD New Mexico Corrections Department Offender Search
Incarceration/Sentence Information:
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, NMCD Number, Offender Number, Supervision Status, and Detail
Please Share Your Experiences Visiting Or Staying In This Facility