Search Inmates in Bolduc Correctional Facility (BCI). Results Include: Mugshots, Arrests, Bookings, Criminal Records, Status, Booking No, Booking Date, Age, Bond Amount, Address Given, Charges, Statute, Court Case Number, Charge, Degree Level, Bond.
Bolduc Correctional Facility (BCI), Knox County, Maine Overview
Bolduc Correctional Facility is located in Warren, Knox County, Maine. It is a minimum-security institution. Most inmates at this prison have less than three years left of their sentence. Currently, this facility can hold approximately 222 adult males.
Capacity: 222
Russell Worcester
Bolduc Correctional Facility
516 Cushing Road
Warren, ME 04864
Phone: (207)-273-2036, (207)-273-5123 (Main), (207)-273-5125 (Visits)
Email: [email protected]
Shane Blakely, Assistant Director
Bolduc Correctional Facility
516 Cushing Road
Warren, ME 04864
Phone: (207)-273-5123
Email: [email protected]
Visitation Hours:
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays: 8am-10am, 12pm-2pm, and 2:30pm-4:30pm.
Visitation Policies:
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall establish a visitation program to afford prisoners with reasonable opportunities to visit with family and friends (regular visitors) upon their written request, in accordance with Department policy and written facility specific practices.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall develop and implement written facility specific practices for the processing, searching, and supervision of visitors, including, but not limited to, requirements for metal detectors, pat search, property search, and/or canine search, and practices to prevent visitors and prisoners from giving or receiving any items or written communications during visits.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall ensure sufficient space is available for visits, including storage space for items not allowed in visits, and shall make provisions for appropriate levels of staffing to accommodate the visitation program.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall ensure that there is a bathroom available for use by visitors during visits and that a diaper changing table is available in the bathroom. Prisoners shall not be allowed to use or otherwise enter a visitor bathroom during visits for any reason. Prior to a prisoner being allowed to clean a visitor bathroom as part of a work assignment, the bathroom shall be thoroughly searched by security staff and security staff shall directly observe the cleaning.
- A visitor shall be required to remain in the visiting area during visits, except to use a bathroom in a facility where the visitor bathroom is outside the visit area or unless instructed by staff to leave the facility as a result of a termination of the visit.
- If space permits, a children’s reading/play area shall be provided with toys and books.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall develop a visitation schedule. Visiting hours shall be flexible enough to afford opportunities for all prisoners to participate in the facility’s visitation program.
- A visitor traveling from out of state or presenting another reason for an extended visit or an additional visit may make a request for extra visit time or an additional visit. The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, may grant the request, provided space and staff are available to accommodate the request. The decision whether to grant or deny the request is at the sole discretion of the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall establish facility visitation rules, to include, but not be limited to, a visitor dress code.
- During facility orientation, prisoners shall be provided information concerning the facility’s visitation schedule, facility visitation rules, and the possibility of communications during visits being monitored. The visitation rules and a notice stating that communications by or with prisoners made during visits are subject to being listened to and/or recorded, except for attorney/client privilege communications, shall also be included in the prisoner handbook.
- Copies of the current visitation schedule shall be posted in the housing units to notify staff and prisoners of the schedule.
- Prisoners shall be informed that they must wear issued clothing other than sweatshirts and sweatpants to visits and that the clothing must not have any cuts, rips, and/or holes. A prisoner not in compliance with this provision shall not be permitted to have the visit.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall ensure that visitors are provided with information regarding any available public transportation to the city closest to the facility. Visitors shall also be provided information concerning the facility visitation schedule and visitation rules.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of a reception facility shall ensure that prisoners are allowed regular visits during the reception classification process, unless a proposed visitor is a prohibited visitor as set out in Procedure F or is not allowed to be placed on a prisoner’s Approved Visitor List for a reason set out elsewhere in this policy or it is still being determined whether the proposed visitor is prohibited or not allowed.
- Except for a prisoner who is on a furlough pass or furlough leave, a prisoner who is in a hospital emergency room or who is hospitalized shall not be permitted a visitor while in the hospital, unless approved in writing by the Commissioner.
- Make sure you are not bringing prohibited items on the unit. Vehicles and visitors are subject to search by unit staff. Items allowed inside the secured perimeter of a unit: A small wallet, clear plastic bag, or change purse; $25 cash (in coins) – Vending machines are available in the visitation areas.
- Prohibited Items not allowed inside the secured perimeter of a unit: Any food items, purses, diaper bags, briefcases, cameras, baby strollers, toys, dolls, photographs or photograph albums, paper money, knives, drugs, medication (exceptions are granted regarding prescribed medications on a case-by-case basis), tobacco, lighters, matches, cell phones, pagers, laptop computers, cameras, digital recorders or any other type of electronic/wireless devices, or any other non-authorized items.
- Regular visitors shall be required to request visits at least two (2) business days in advance of the visit requested, unless the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, in his or her sole discretion, allows an exception to this requirement in extenuating circumstances. If the requested visit is scheduled, designated staff shall provide a confirmation to the visitor. A visitor who arrives for a visit that has not been scheduled and confirmed shall not be permitted to visit.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall post signage at the visitor entrance to the facility stating that firearms and other weapons are not allowed on State property; that trafficking in prison contraband is a crime; and that visitors and their belongings are subject to search.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall post signage in the facility lobby stating that visitors must inform the lobby officer of any medication being brought in.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall post signage approved by the Department’s Director of Operations, or designee, in the facility lobby and in all visit areas stating that communications by or with prisoners made during visits are subject to being listened to and/or recorded, except for attorney/client privilege communications.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall make available a copy of this policy in the facility lobby and shall post the facility visitation rules in all visit areas.
- Anytime a visitor is not admitted into a visit or a visit is terminated and the visitor is required to leave the facility, designated facility staff may also require other visitors accompanying that person to also leave the facility.
- Anytime a visitor is not admitted or a visit is terminated, staff shall complete appropriate documentation and submit it to the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee.
- Having a criminal or a juvenile criminal record shall not, in and of itself, constitute a barrier to visits, but the nature and the circumstances of the offense may provide the reasonable suspicion for prohibiting visits. Being a former staff member, volunteer, or student intern shall not, in and of itself, constitute a barrier to visits.
- The Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, of each facility shall develop and implement written facility specific practices for non-contact visitation with prisoners who are on disciplinary segregation status, emergency observation status, or administrative segregation status.
- Non-contact visitation shall also be provided for a professional visitor whenever that visitor or the prisoner requests that a visit be a non-contact visit. A regular visitor shall not be allowed non-contact visitation based solely on the prisoner’s or visitor’s request.
- Non-contact visitation may also be required by the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, for a prisoner who is found guilty of a disciplinary drug or tobacco violation (Test, Refusing to Take Alcohol or Drug Test {other than alcohol}; Trafficking; Under the Influence or Taking of Substance {other than an alcoholic substance}; or Smoking) or found guilty of a criminal violation of Trafficking in Prison Contraband or Trafficking in Tobacco. Such a restriction may be imposed for either a definite or indefinite period of time.
- Non-contact visitation may also be required by the Chief Administrative Officer, or designee, for other purposes of safety, security, or orderly management of the facility. Such a restriction may be imposed for either a definite or indefinite period of time.
- Staff processing visitors shall wear body cameras to record all their interactions with visitors, unless a body camera is not available, in which case the staff’s interactions with visitors shall be video recorded with a hand-held camera.
- A visitor shall complete the sign-in sheet prior to entering the facility, which shall include the date, time, printed name, signature, and name of the prisoner being visited.
- An adult visitor shall be required to present government-issued picture identification, such as a driver’s license, prior to admittance into the visit. An adult accompanying a minor visitor may be required to present government issued picture identification, such as a State of Maine identification card, or other appropriate government-issued identification, such as a certified copy of the birth certificate, for the minor, prior to admittance into the visit.
- If a visitor is wearing a head covering for religious reasons that covers his or her face so that it inhibits visual identification, he or she shall be required to temporarily remove the head covering enough to establish visual identification and shall be permitted to do so in a private area with staff of the same gender or, in the case of a transgender or intersex visitor, by the gender staff of the visitor’s choice. Once the visitor is identified and otherwise clears the required search, he or she shall be permitted to wear the head covering during the visit.
Inmate Mailing Address:
Inmate Name, ID Number
Bolduc Correctional Facility
516 Cushing Road
Warren, ME 04864
Bolduc Correctional Facility
516 Cushing Road
Warren, ME 04864
Phone: (207)-273-2036, (207)-273-5123 (Main), (207)-273-5125 (Visits)
Security Level: Minimum
Type(s) of offenders: Adult Men
Sending Money To An Inmate:
Maine Department of Corrections Money Deposit Service
Friends and family members of inmates can deposit money to the general (trust) and phone accounts of eligible adult prisoners or juvenile residents, with the convenience of a credit card payment using this online service. Maine’s Department of Corrections Money Deposit Service is provided by a third party working in partnership with the State of Maine. The maximum amount per day allowed for friends and family members of inmates to deposit is $100 to a general (Trust) account and $100 to a phone account with a maximum of $200/week per account.
Money may also be mailed to the prisoner. Accepted payment forms include U.S. Postal money orders, cashier’s checks/official checks from a Maine bank, money orders from a Maine bank, and government checks (including tribal checks). Money orders/checks must be legible and contain the prisoner’s full name with middle initial and MDOC number. The sender’s full name and address should also be mentioned; otherwise it will not be processed.
MDOC Maine Department of Corrections Offender Search
Incarceration/Sentence Information:
MDOC Number, Name, Status, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Earliest Possible Release Date, and Location.
Please Share Your Experiences Visiting Or Staying In This Facility