Search Inmates in Whitley County, Kentucky. Results May Include: Arrests, Criminal Records, Status, Code, Description, Warrant No., Court Type, Court Date, Current Age, Booking Date, Booking Agency, Arresting Officer.

Whitley County Kentucky Sheriff Overview

Whitley County is located in the southeast region of Kentucky. Formed in 1818, it was named in honor of Colonel William Whitley who served in the War of 1812 and was killed at the Battle of the Thames. The county seat is Williamsburg. The zip codes in Whitley County are 40763, 40759, 40771, 40769, 40730, and 40940.

Colan Harrell serves as Sheriff of Whitley County. You can reach the Sheriff’s Office is (606) 549-6006. The Jailer of the county is Brian Lawson. He oversees the management and care of the inmates at the Whitley County Detention Center. You can call (606) 549-6013 or (606) 549-6027 if you wish to get in touch with him.

Whitley County Sheriff’s Office:

Address: 201 Main Street, Suite 4, Williamsburg, KY 40769

Phone: (606) 549-6006

Inmate Search in Whitley County Jail

The Whitley County Detention Center has an online database of inmates currently incarcerated in the facility. If you wish to locate an inmate here, you can use the inmate’s first name, last name, or alias to search the system. The jail records the following information about each inmate: the inmate’s full name, age, address, booking date, booking photo, physical description, charges, status, bond, sentence, court date, arrest date, arresting officer, arresting agency, and inmate classification.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures:

Visitors are allowed at the Whitley County Detention Center. All adult visitors must have valid photo identification. Children, those under 18 years of age, must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The jail may require proof of guardianship. No personal items will be allowed inside the visitation area except for the ID and vehicle keys. To find out the visitation schedule at this facility, please call (606) 549-6013 or (606) 549-6027 from Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8am to 5pm.

To send correspondence to an inmate at this facility, you must address your letter in the following manner:

Inmate’s Name

P.O. Box 179

Williamsburg, KY 40769

Make sure to include your complete name and return address. Otherwise, the mail will not be delivered.

Sex Offender Search and Lookup:

All registered sex offenders must be listed in the national and state sex offender databases according to federal law. A sex offender is defined as an individual who has been found guilty of a sexually motivated crime. Some examples of such a crime include rape, molestation, and child pornography. Anyone can access this information online for Whitley County by visiting this site. However, do bear in mind that some results may reveal residential addresses that are no longer current or addresses that only list the block that an offender lives on. This is because some sex offenders refuse to comply with the law.

Bail and Bondsman

Bail is the written permission of the court to allow an accused individual to remain free while awaiting trial. This is granted as long as the accused can promise his appearance in court whenever it is requested. For certain offenses, a monetary value is attached to the promise which may require the deposit or pledge of money or property to the court. If the accused does not keep his promise, then he loses the money or property.

A bondsman is an individual in the business of bailing defendants out of jail for a non-refundable fee equal to 10% of the bail amount. He does this by informing the court that payment of the entire bail amount will be made by him if the defendant misses a court date. Most defendants who hire a bondsman are those who are unable to come up with the money themselves.

In the state of Kentucky, commercial bail bond companies are not allowed to operate. Ky. Stat. § 431.510 (outlawing commercial bail bond industry); see Stephens v. Bonding Assoc. of Kentucky, 538 S.W.2d 580 (Ky 1976) (upholding statute). A bondsman operating out of state is only allowed to apprehend a fugitive who has fled to Kentucky if he has a warrant. Ky. Rev. Stat. § 440.270.

Whitley County Probation Department
Probation officer’s are appointed to investigate, report on, and supervise the conduct of convicted offenders on probation. Items to bring to the Probation Office include: employment verification (a pay stub), residence (a lease, copy of a utility bill, etc.), community service record log, counseling or meeting attendance, all personal drug prescriptions, medical condition documents, and immigration registration among other things.
Office:Whitley County Probation Department
Location:201 North 4th Street, Williamsburg, Kentucky, 40769
Whitley County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined32
Avg Daily Population100
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll26
Full time total employees26
Total salaries and wagesnot applicable
Other operating expendituresnot applicable
Total construction costsnot applicable
Equipment, furnishings, etcnot applicable
Year of original construction2005
Year of major renovationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable

Address: Williamsburg KY 40765

Whitley County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 201613,241
Number Employed Annual Average, 201612,382
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 2016859
Unemployment Rate, 20166.5
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201531,903
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Whitley County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 201410,019
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201529.2
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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