Lookup Inmates in Maury County, Tennessee. Results May Include: Arrest Records, Mugshot, IDN#, Case #, Document Type, Booked/Served, Charges, Court Date, Case, Division, Court Event, Court Role, DOB, Address, Race.

Maury County Tennessee Sheriff Overview

Maury County is located in the Middle Tennessee region. Founded in 1807, it was named after Major Abram Poindexter Maury, a member of the Tennessee legislature. The county seat is Columbia. The zip codes in Maury County are 38487, 38451, 38461, 38474, 38482, and 38401.

Sheriff Bucky Rowland is the chief law enforcement officer in Maury County. You can get in touch with him at 931-375-8601 or [email protected]. The Chief Deputy of the Sheriff’s Department is Ray Jeter. As Chief Deputy, he is in charge of the overall operations of the department. You can reach him at 931-375-8605 or [email protected]. Operational Corrections is managed by Lt. Andy Jackson. You can get in touch with him at 931-375-8665 or [email protected].

Maury County Sheriff’s Office:

Address: 1300 Lawson White Drive, Columbia, TN 38401

Phone: (931) 380-5733

Inmate Search in Maury County Jail

The Maury County Jail does not have an online roster of inmates currently booked at the facility. If you are looking for an inmate here, you can call (931) 380-5722. The Maury County Jail is state certified for 386 inmates. There is a maximum security portion that house male inmates charged with felonies. The female pod houses all female inmates. Female inmates are housed with other inmates that have similar charges, separating those with misdemeanor charges from those with felony charges.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures:

Inmates at the Maury County Jail are allowed a 1-hour visitation per week. Video visitation is provided by VendEngine. Inmates need to complete a list of approved visitors during the intake process. The list should contain a maximum of 4 adult visitors. The inmate’s children are allowed to visit provided they are accompanied by an adult on the approved list. An inmate can have a maximum of 4 adults per visit. All visitors are required to present identification at check-in. Visitors can log in from the kiosks located in the North side Visitation room.

Visiting hours are as follows:

North Side –Wednesday, Friday, Sunday  (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Main/Max – Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday  (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

All incoming mail intended for an inmate should be addressed in the following manner:

Inmate’s Full Name

Maury County Sheriff’s Dept.

1300 Lawson White Drive

Columbia, TN 38401

All incoming mail will be opened and checked for contraband. All legal mail will be opened in front of the inmate.

The following items are considered contraband:

  • Personal checks or cash
  • U.S. Stamps or stickers.
  • Stationery/envelopes/color paper/card stock/sketch paper/coloring books/coloring pages.
  • Blank greeting cards, stationery or other blank paper will not be accepted.
  • Magazines and newspapers.
  • Greeting cards larger than 5×8, or that are padded, musical, or laminated. Cards with non-paper parts will not be accepted (rhinestones, string, foam, glitter, etc.)
  • Printouts from the internet that includes Facebook, MySpace, etc. No copies of text messages or emails allowed.
  • Non-paper material. No items can be glued, taped, stapled, laminated or otherwise affixed to a page.
  • Food or clothing items.
  • Foreign and/or unidentifiable substances.

To deposit money into an inmate’s commissary account, you can go online at www.vendengine.com or call 855-VendEng (855-836-3364). The kiosk at the jail lobby can also accept deposits in the form of cash or debit/credit card.

US Postal money orders are also accepted. They must be made payable to Chilton Vending and the recipient’s name, i.d. number, and county should be printed clearly on the memo line of the money order. U.S. Postal money orders need to be mailed to:

Chilton Vending

P O Box 31

Pleasant View, TN  37146

Sex Offender Search and Lookup:

Federal law decrees that all sex offenders must submit their information for registration in the state and national sex offender databases. A sex offender is a person convicted of a sexually oriented offense such as rape, sexual assault, and prostitution. To locate sex offenders residing in Maury County, you can check the Tennessee sex offender registry here. Keep in mind that you may get results containing last known addresses of offenders. Some may even have incomplete addresses. This may be due to some sex offenders who fail to comply with the registration law.

Bail and Bondsman

To stay out of jail while the trial is still pending, a defendant can post bail – money or property – with the court as a form of assurance that he will return for all of his court dates. If he misses an appearance, the bail is forfeited and he is labeled a fugitive. If the defendant cannot post bail because of financial difficulties, he can pay a bondsman to do it on his behalf. The bondsman will become liable to the court for paying the bail in exchange for a non-refundable fee equal to 10% of the bail.

Maury County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined245
Avg Daily Population229
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll46
Full time total employees49
Total salaries and wages1681621
Other operating expenditures818863
Total construction costs0
Equipment, furnishings, etc0
Year of original constructionnot applicable
Year of major renovationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable

Address: 1300 Lawson White Dr. Columbia TN 38401

Maury County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 201643,751
Number Employed Annual Average, 201641,949
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 20161,802
Unemployment Rate, 20164.1
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201550,868
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Maury County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 201411,432
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201513.2
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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