Lookup Inmates in Carter County, Oklahoma. Results May Include: Mugshot, Arrests, Inmate Name, Booking Number, Booking Date, Arresting Agency Code, Case Number, Charge, Description, Bond Amount, Race, Height, Hair Color, Eye Color, DOB.

Carter County Oklahoma Sheriff Overview

Carter County is located in the south part of Oklahoma with a county seat of Ardmore. It was organized at statehood as a part of the Pickens County from the Chickasaw Nation. The county was named in honor of Ben W. Carter, a Cherokee who lived among the Chickasaw. The zip codes in Carter County include 73437, 73436, 73438, 73443, 73444, 73458, 73463, 73401, 73487, 73481, 73402, 73488 and 73435.

Sheriff Chris Bryant is in charge of Carter County Sheriff’s Office. Undersheriff Gus Handke is the second person in command. To reach either Sheriff Bryant or Undersheriff Handke, visit the office located at 100 South Washington in Ardmore. You can also call the main phone number 580-223-6014 or register at www.nixle.com to get mobile alerts directly from the law enforcement agencies.

Carter County Sheriff’s Office:

Address: 100 South Washington, Ardmore, OK 73401-7039

Phone: 580-223-6014

Jail: 580-221-5505

Fax: 580-221-5520

Inmate Search in Carter County Jail

Unless you find the inmate you are interested in the web lookup tool on the Oklahoma Department of Corrections website, you can search for the inmate on the Carter County Jail

Inmates are listed by name along a mugshot. You can view the booking date, the charges and the date of birth. Search in the Oklahoma Supreme Court Network online register to find details about court cases.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures:

To prepare for visiting an inmate in the Carter County Jail, call the Jail Administration prior to the visit because you will need to schedule a visit. Unscheduled visits are typically not permitted. To save extra travel, check the rules for sending mail and funds at the same time, too.

General jail regulations for Oklahoma detention facilities are contained in the guidelines overview prepared by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, including rules about acceptable ID documents, visitor lists, visitor forms and inmate jail personal allowances.

Working at Carter County Jail or Sheriff’s Office:

Carter County is currently seeking for Probation and Parole Officer in the Ardmore Probation and Parole Sub-Office. Monthly salary starts from $2,698.

Basic level job duties include supervision of probationers, parolees and inmates in  re-entry  programs.

Job qualifications and requirements include:

  • Bachelor’s degree in psychology, sociology, social work, criminology, education, criminal justice administration, penology or police science
  • Ability for job-related travel associated with this position
  • Valid Oklahoma driver’s license
  • Drug testing

    To apply for this position, register and fill out an online application form.

    Sex Offender Search and Lookup:

    All criminals classified as sex offenders are obligated to register in federal and state sex offender registries. To be identified as sex offender, an individual must have committed a sex offense, such as sex abuse, lewd conduct, distribution of child pornography, rape, molestation or other violent or forceful acts performed against the will of another person.The public community can use the sex offender registries as a matter of precaution. If you wish to search a sex offender who lives or works in Carter County, visit the Oklahoma

    and browse the offenders by name, appearance, type of offense and map location filters.

    Bail and Bondsman

    Oklahoma Statute Revision- Revised November 1, 2008

    Section 1301. DEFINITIONS
    4. “Bail bondsman” means a surety bondsman, professional bondsman, property bondsman, or a cash bondsman as hereinafter defined;
    5. “Surety bondsman” means any person who has been approved by the Commissioner and appointed by an insurer or a professional bondsman, by power of attorney, to execute or countersign bail bonds for the insurer or a professional bondsman, in connection with judicial proceedings and charges and receives money for his services

    Current state documents:

    This is not legal advice as laws change all the time. Please check with the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals for the most recent updates.

  • Carter County Jail Statistics
    Number of Persons Confined173
    Avg Daily Populationnot applicable
    Name of new facilitynot applicable
    Full time payroll30
    Full time total employees30
    Total salaries and wagesnot applicable
    Other operating expendituresnot applicable
    Total construction costsnot applicable
    Equipment, furnishings, etcnot applicable
    Year of original constructionnot applicable
    Year of major renovationnot applicable
    Name of new facilitynot applicable


    Carter County Unemployment and Median Household Income
    Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 201622,592
    Number Employed Annual Average, 201621,406
    Number Unemployed Annual Average, 20161,186
    Unemployment Rate, 20165.2
    Median Household Income Annual Average, 201545,287
    Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
    Carter County Poverty Data
    Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 20147,776
    Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201516.3
    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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