Search Inmates in John Lilley Correctional Center (JLCC). Results Include: Mugshots, Arrests, Bookings, Criminal Records, Status, Booking No, Booking Date, Age, Bond Amount, Address Given, Charges, Statute, Court Case Number, Charge, Degree Level, Bond.
John Lilley Correctional Center (JLCC), Okfuskee County, Oklahoma Overview
Opened in 1983, John Lilley Correctional Center is a minimum-security prison located in Boley Oklahoma. This facility specializes in housing physically disabled and elderly inmates. It houses about 820 adult male inmates.
Capacity: 820
Acting Warden:
Sharon Harrison
407971 Hwy 62E.
Boley, OK 74829
Phone: (918) 667-3381
Fax: (918) 667-3959
Visitation Hours:
Visiting for inmates at John Lilley Correctional Center is based on the first letter of the inmate’s last name. Inmates A-K have visitation on Saturdays, inmates L-Z have visitation on Sundays.
Level 1:
1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. (Non-Contact)
Level 2:
9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Level 3:
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Level 4:
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
State-Recognized Holidays:
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (A thru K)
Sunday: 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (L thru Z)
Visitation Policies:
- All approved visitors that are 16 years of age and older must surrender a valid picture I.D. upon entering a facility for visiting. The following are recognized picture I.D.’s: Driver’s license from any state; State identification from any state; Passport; Military I.D.; Immigration card picture I.D.; Senior Citizen I.D.; Honor Citizens I.D.; High-School I.D.
- Visitors are responsible for securing personal items (keys, cars locked, etc.)
- Absolutely no electronic communication devices or pagers will be allowed.
- Visits are structured to allow informal communication between the inmate and his/her visitor. Inmates and visitors may hold hands or place their arms around the shoulder of each other while visiting. They may embrace (hug) and exchange brief kisses at the beginning and conclusion of their visit. They may not engage in any sexual activity.
- Any sexual stimulation or sexual activity between visitors and inmates is strictly prohibited. It will result in termination of the visit and possible removal of the visitor from the inmate’s visiting list for a period to be determined by the facility head.
- Individuals may be denied by the visiting officer, shift supervisor, or duty officer if they disrupt the visiting process. Contraband in any form is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to – cellular phones/accessories, electronic devices, alcohol, firearms, ammunition, drugs, drug paraphernalia or narcotics, paperwork; legal or otherwise, photograph or any item which may jeopardize the safety and security of the institution.
- If the facility has separate visitor and inmate restrooms within the visiting room, the inmate and/or visitor may use the restroom and return to the visit one time only.
- If the facility does not have separate visitor and inmate restrooms within the visiting room, the inmate will be removed from the visiting area, strip-searched, and will be allowed to return to the visit one time only. No additional time will be added to the visit.
- If the visitor exits the secure visiting area, the visitor will be reprocessed prior to re-entry into the visiting area one time only. No additional time will be added to the visit.
- Once a visitor makes contact with the inmate and departs the institution, he/she will not be allowed to return to the institution that day to continue the visit.
- Inmates are responsible for the conduct of their visitors, including children. Visits will be conducted in a quiet, orderly manner. If children start running across the floor or becoming otherwise disruptive, the inmate will be warned. If disruptive behavior continues, the visit will be terminated. Children must remain within sight/control of the inmate/adult visitor at all times during the visit.
- Visits will be terminated for improper conduct, including disruptive behavior, inappropriate physical contact, and possession of contraband. The shift supervisor will be notified and the appropriate incident reports are written.
- Visitors will park in the designated parking area(s). Once on institutional grounds, visitors will be responsible for signing in at the visiting room/designated area.
- At no time will the visitor be allowed to visit with the inmate outside of the visiting room/designated area. Visitors and inmates will not have any contact, physical or verbal until they enter the visiting room/designated area.
- The use and possession of tobacco or tobacco-like products are prohibited at all Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC) facilities. At minimum, medium, and maximum-security facilities, tobacco and tobacco-like products must be secured in the visitor’s vehicle for the duration of the visit. The use of these products is prohibited until the visitor exits state property.
- Searches will be conducted in accordance with OP-040110 entitled “Search and Seizure Standards.” Refusals to comply with a search order will result in termination of the visit and possible removal from the visiting list.
- Searches will include searches of all items brought into the prison facility; pat down searches upon entering; the use of x-ray machines to scan property; and the use of metal detection devices. Any searches of the personal property of an individual must be done while continuously observed by the owner of such property.
Deposit/Commissary Accounts:
To ensure the inmate receives the deposit, the cashier’s check or money order should include the following information:
- The inmate’s name
- DOC number
- sender’s name
Inmate Mailing Address:
Inmate Name, ID Number (housing if known)
John H. Lilley Correctional Center
Rt. 1, Box 407971
Boley, OK 74829
John H. Lilley Correctional Center
105150 N. 3670 Rd.
Boley, OK 74829
Phone: (918)-667-3381
Security Level: Minimum
Type(s) of offenders: Adult Men
Sending Money To An Inmate:
Money can be sent to inmates via JPay through the following methods:
- Send money online with your credit or debit card.
- JPay Mobile: Send money anytime, anywhere by downloading the free app
- Phone: 800-574-5729, Speak with a live agent, 24/7
- Cash: At locations including CVS and Walmart (receive code 6365)
- Money orders: Payable to JPay at – P.O. Box 278320, Miramar, FL 3302
ODOC Oklahoma Department of Corrections Offender Search
Incarceration/Sentence Information:
OK DOC Number, Name, Gender, Race, DOB, and Facility.
Please Share Your Experiences Visiting Or Staying In This Facility