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James River Correctional Center (JRCC), Stutsman County, North Dakota Overview

James River Correctional Center is a medium custody prison located in Jamestown, North Dakota. This medium custody facility houses men and is part of the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Capacity: 365


Chad Pringle
2521 Circle Drive
Jamestown, ND 58401
Phone: (701) 253-3660
Fax: (701) 253-3735

Visitation Hours:

Tuesdays: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Thursdays: 6:30pm-8:30pm (adults only)
Fridays: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Holidays: 8:30am-10:30am, and 10:30am-3:30pm.
Saturdays and Sundays: 8:30am-10:30am and 10:30am-3:30pm. (Inmates A-L)
Sundays: :30am-10:30am and 10:30am-3:30pm (Inmates M-Z)

Visitation Policies:

  1. All approved visitors that are 16 years of age and older must surrender a valid picture I.D. upon entering a facility for visiting. The following are recognized picture I.D.’s: Driver’s license from any state; State identification from any state- Passport, Military I.D., Immigration card picture I.D., Senior Citizen I.D., Honor Citizens I.D., High-School I.D.
  2. All attire worn upon entry into the facility must be worn throughout the duration of the visit, with the exception of appropriate outerwear such as a coat and gloves. Appropriate undergarments must be worn (i.e., bra, slip, and underwear). No additional clothing is permitted to be carried into the facility.
  3. Inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to: see-through clothing of any kind, tops or dresses that expose the midriff or have open backs or open sides, sleeveless clothing such as halter tops, tube tops, cropped tops, tank tops, and muscle shirts, etc.
  4. All visitors are subject to clear the metal detector. The following items often prevent clearance of the metal detector: hairpins, bras with metal underwires, certain boots and shoes, clothing with multiple zippers, and excessive jewelry.
  5. Wearing inappropriate clothing may result in a visitor not being allowed to visit or not to clear the metal detector.
  6. Any product that contains tobacco including but not limited to cigarettes, loose tobacco, cigar, snuff, chewing tobacco, or any other preparation of tobacco, tobacco substitutes, smoking paraphernalia (i.e., matches, lighter, cigarette papers, and rolling machine).
  7. As of July 10, 2018, we are offering video visitation 7 days per week, available throughout the day and evening based on the routine schedule in each housing unit.
  8. Remote visits are charged a fee by our phone provider. All video visits are by appointment only. You can schedule an appointment online from home over the internet, from an Android-based smartphone, or from one of the visiting stations at the jail.
  9. Visiting appointments are for 20 minutes each. It may also be necessary to cancel scheduled appointments due to emergency situations that occur. If an inmate is not able to accept a visit at the scheduled time due to such cancellations or lockdowns, we will contact Securus to issue credits for rescheduling.
  10. No registration is necessary if you are scheduling a visit from one of the stations at the jail. If you wish to schedule from home, you will need to register at the Securus website using the link below. All registrations received by 7:00 a.m. on Monday thru Friday will be approved that same business day. Registrations received after 7:00 a.m., or during weekends and holidays, will be approved the next business day.
  11. You will receive a confirmation email once your registration has been approved. If you are registering online, you will need to provide a picture of your government-issued I.D. and also a picture of your face. The website link will assist you in taking these pictures.
  12. Be advised that the company will not issue refunds for remote visits if either the visitor or the inmate fails to login at the scheduled time. Inmates are advised on the day of a visit to all appointments that are scheduled each day.
  13. The jail reserves the right to block visitors from on-site visits if you are a no-show for 2 or more scheduled appointments since no one else can use the time that you reserve.
  14. All video visitations, on-site or remote, must be scheduled at a minimum of 24 hours in advance, through the service provider’s website. All rules and regulations established for contact visitation are applicable for non-contact and video visitation.
  15. It is your responsibility to inform your visitors of your respective work or programming schedules. You will not be approved to leave work or programming to accommodate remote video visitation scheduling. Remote video visitation sessions will be a minimum of 20 minutes and not exceed 40 minutes.
  16. The person requesting to visit through remote video visitation is responsible for establishing an account and for the cost of the visit established by the service provider.
  17. All video visits are monitored and recorded.

Deposit/Commissary Accounts:

Depositing funds for inmate’s spending/ deposit/commissary accounts using a credit card can either be done at the lobby kiosk at the jail or by using the following methods:

Inmate Canteen website:

Securus Technologies JPay website.

Inmate Mailing Address:
Inmate Name, ID Number
​James River Correctional Center
2521 Circle Drive
Jamestown, ND 58401

James River Correctional Center
2521 Circle Drive
Jamestown, ND 58401
Phone: (701)-253-3660

Security Level: Medium
Type(s) of offenders: Adult Men

Sending Money To An Inmate:

Money can be sent to inmates through the following methods:

  1. Inmate Canteen website:
  2. JPay: Use the Securus Technologies JPay website. The link is as follows:

NDDRC North Dakota Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Offender Search

Incarceration/Sentence Information:
ID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, and Date of Birth

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