Search Inmates in Hudson County, New Jersey. Results May Include: Arrests, Bookings, Inmate Information, Incarceration Information, Alias, Bond, Detainer, Charges, Housing Section, Housing Block, Cell, Bed, Commitment Date, Release Date, Case #, Description, Grade, Off Date, Jurisdiction.

Hudson County New Jersey Sheriff Overview

Hudson County is located in the northeastern part of New Jersey. It was created in 1840 and named in honor of Henry Hudson, an English sea explorer and navigator. The county seat is Jersey City. The zip codes in Hudson County are 07029, 07030, 07032, 07047, 07086, 07087, 07093, 07096, 07097, 07302, 07304, 07305, 07306, 07307, 07002, 07310, 07311, and 07399.

Sheriff Frank X. Schillari is the head law enforcement officer in Hudson County. You can get in touch with him at 201-915-1300 or 201-795-6300. Ronald P. Edwards is the Director of the Department of Corrections in Hudson County. You can get in touch with him at (201) 395-5600.

Hudson County Sheriff’s Office:
Address: 595 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07306
Phone: (201) 369-4330
Fax: (201) 369-4336

Inmate Search in Hudson County Jail

The Hudson County Jail does not post a Weekly Arrest Report Online. This is a list of the individuals who are currently detained in the facility. If you wish to find a person here, you can contact the facility at (201) 395-5600.

If you have information on an individual here, you need to get in touch with the Sheriff’s Office at (201) 369-4330.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures:

Inmates at the Hudson County Correctional Center are allowed to visit with family and friends. All visitors must be appropriately attired. The visitation schedule for the facility is as follows:

Monday: Non-Contact

B-100 East/West
B-300 East/West
B-500 East/West
E -600 North
Registration Starts 8:00 am
Registration Ends 9:15 am

Close Custody
C-100 West
(1hr. Visit)
Registration Starts 9:15am
Registration Ends 9:30am

11am-12 Noon
(1hr. Visit)
Registration Starts 10 am
Registration Ends 10:30am

3:00 pm-7:00pm
B-100 East/West
B-300 East/West
B-500 East/West
E-600 North
Registration Starts 3:00pm
Registration Ends 6:15pm

Tuesday: Non-contact

A 3 East/West
Registration Starts 8 am
Registration Ends 9:15 am

A 5 East/ West
10:00am-12:00 noon
D 5 East
Registration starts 10:30am
Registration Ends 11:15am

A 3East/west
A 5East/West
D 5 East
3:00 pm-7:00pm
Registration Starts 3:00pm
Registration Ends 6:15pm

Wednesday: Non-contact
F 1 North/South
D-500 West
A-100 West
A-100 East Workers
Registration Starts 8am
Registration Ends 9:45am

D100 West
D-300 East/West
D-500 East
F2 North/South
Registration starts 10:30am
Registration Ends 11:15am

3:00 pm-7:00pm
D-100 West
D-300 East/West
D-500 East
F2 South
F1 North
A-100 East Workers
A-100 West
Registration Starts 3:00pm
Registration Ends 6:15pm

Thursday: Non-contact

All protective Custody
Inmates (Any Location)
C-100-East ICE Detainee
Restrictive Housing
(1 hr. Visit)
Registration starts 8:00am
Registration Ends 8:25am

C-300 East/West
Registration Starts 9:30am
Registration Ends 11:15am

C500 West
Registration Starts 2:45pm
Registration Ends 5:00pm

C-500 East (MAX)
(1hr Visit)
Registration Starts 5:00pm
Registration Ends 5:30pm

Saturday: Contact Visits

For I.C.E. and State Inmate
with no open charges.
All ICE North PODS are
scheduled for Morning visits
(E 3N, E 4N, E 5N, E 6N,
F 2N & F 1N & D 5W & A
Registration Starts 8:00 am
registration Ends 11:00 am
All visits ENDS at 12:00

ICE & State sentenced
E 3S, E 4S, E 5 S, E 6 S
A 3E, A 5E & D5 E & F 1S & F
Registration Starts 2:30pm
Registration Ends 6:15pm

Sex Offender Search and Lookup:

Federal law states that all sex offenders must have their information listed in the state sex offender registry and the national sex offender registry. A person is categorized a sex offender if he has a conviction for an illegal offense involving sexual misconduct such as sex trafficking, rape, and incest. Anyone residing in Hudson County can locate these offenders in their neighborhood by going to the Sheriff’s Alert page. Some offenders fail to comply with the registration law. You may find that some records only have last known addresses listed.

Bail and Bondsman

The state of New Jersey has recently implemented a new bail system. It makes use of a risk assessment tool to determine the chances of a defendant committing another crime or failing to appear in court once released from jail while he waits for the trial to start. The tool makes use of an algorithm to calculate the possibilities. A high score will result in the defendant being detained while awaiting trial. A low score will mean that the defendant is unlikely to do either of those two actions and may be released on his own recognizance.

Hudson County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined 1872
Avg Daily Population not applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll 500
Full time total employees 500
Total salaries and wages not applicable
Other operating expenditures not applicable
Total construction costs not applicable
Equipment, furnishings, etc not applicable
Year of original construction not applicable
Year of major renovationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable


Hudson County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 2016361,787
Number Employed Annual Average, 2016344,904
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 201616,883
Unemployment Rate, 20164.7
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201560,053
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Hudson County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 2014117,828
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201517.7
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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