Search Inmates in Wright County, Iowa. Results May Include: Arrests, Charges, Mugshot, Booking Date, Booking Number, Warrant

Wright County, Iowa Sheriff Overview

Wright County is a county found in the northern part of Iowa. Its county seat is in Clarion. Wright County is named after Silas Wright, a governor of New York, and Joseph Albert Wright, a governor of Indiana. Zip codes in Wright County include 50071, 50447, 50542, 50101, 50421, 50420, 50525, 50470, 50533, 50577.

Sheriff Jason Schluttenhofer is the current head of the Wright County Sheriff’s Office. His contact information includes his email address ([email protected]).

Wright County Sheriff’s Office:
Address: 719 2nd St. SW
PO Box 348
Clarion, Iowa 50525
Phone: 515-532-3722
Fax: 515-532-2189

Inmate Search in Wright County Jail

The Wright County Jail does not have an available list of inmates incarcerated in their facility. The State of Iowa, however, supports the Victim Information and Notification Everyday system, so you can visit the site to check and receive notifications on the custody status of an offender. It’s recommended to visit the Jail personally at 719 2nd St. SW, Clarion, Iowa or call them at 515-532-3722 for inquiries.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures

Visitors or anyone accessing a service at the Jail must present:
a valid Driver’s License or ID card that has been issued by a State, Federal or Local Government Agency. No visitors under the age of 18 allowed

Visitation Time
Tuesday: 1:30 to 5:00 & 7:00 to 9:00
Thursday: 1:30 to 5:00
Saturday: 1:30 to 5:00
Sunday: 1:30 to 5:00 & 7:00 to 9:00

You can send mail to inmates through U.S. Mail, indicating the complete return address as follows:
Inmate’s Name
Wright County Jail
PO Box 348
Clarion, IA 50525

Sex Offender Search and Lookup

All registered sex offenders are registered on either a national or state sex offender database. The people on these databases have been convicted of a sex or kidnapping crime. The definition of a sex offender is a person convicted of a crime involving sex, including rape, molestation, and production or distribution of child pornography.

You can access this information online for Wright County by going to this link, but bear in mind that searches sometimes reveal primary last known addresses or, rather the block that they live on. You are also required to accept a disclosure to use the database.

Bail and Bail Bondsman

The bail and bond process is used to secure your release from jail in exchange for meeting certain conditions. It is imposed to ensure that you will make your court dates and not commit any further offenses while out. An Iowa criminal lawyer will bring up the issue of bail at your initial appearance before a judge. The judge makes a determination as to the conditions for your release until your next court date.

Just as Iowa provides sentencing guidelines, it offers guidelines for bail bonds. The bond schedule for crimes other than forcible felonies and misdemeanors is as follows:

Manufacturing or delivery of certain controlled substances – $25,000
Felony for manufacturing or delivery of certain controlled substances – $50,000
Class B felony – $25,000
Class C felony – $10,000
Class D felony – $5,000
Aggravated misdemeanor – $2,000
Serious misdemeanor – $1,000
Simple misdemeanor – $300

Wright County Probation Department
Probation officer’s are appointed to investigate, report on, and supervise the conduct of convicted offenders on probation. Items to bring to the Probation Office include: employment verification (a pay stub), residence (a lease, copy of a utility bill, etc.), community service record log, counseling or meeting attendance, all personal drug prescriptions, medical condition documents, and immigration registration among other things.
Office:Wright County Probation Department
Location:115 North Main Street, Clarion, Iowa, 50525
Wright County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined11
Avg Daily Populationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll5
Full time total employees5
Total salaries and wagesnot applicable
Other operating expendituresnot applicable
Total construction costsnot applicable
Equipment, furnishings, etcnot applicable
Year of original constructionnot applicable
Year of major renovationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable

Address: 719 2ND STREET, S.W. CLARION IA 50525

Wright County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 20166,745
Number Employed Annual Average, 20166,465
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 2016280
Unemployment Rate, 20164.2
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201549,882
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Wright County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 20141,587
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201512.6
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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