Search Inmates in Dubuque County, Iowa. Results May Include: Arrests, Charges,
Mugshot, Booking Date, Booking Number, Warrant.

Dubuque County, Iowa Sheriff Overview

Dubuque County is located in the easternmost part of Iowa, with its county seat in Dubuque. Dubuque County comprises the Dubuque, IA Metropolitan Statistical Area, and is the seventh largest county by population in the state. Dubuque County is named after Julien Dubuque, the first European settler of Iowa. Zip codes in Dubuque County include 52001, 52002, 52003, 52004, 52032, 52033, 52039, 52040, 52045, 52046, 52053, 52056, 52065, 52068, 52073, 52078, 52079, 52099.

Sheriff Joseph L Kennedy is the current head of the Dubuque County Sheriff’s Office. His contact information includes his phone number ((563) 589-4400).

Dubuque County Sheriff’s Office:
Address: 770 Iowa Street
Dubuque, Iowa 52004-1004
Phone: (563) 589-4406

Inmate Search in Dubuque County Jail

The Dubuque County Jail does not maintain an online list of incarcerated inmates. The State of Iowa, however, supports the Victim Information and Notification Everyday system, so you can visit the site to check and receive notifications on the custody status of an offender. To inquire, it’s best to personally visit the Jail at 770 Iowa St, Dubuque, IA 52001 or call them at (563) 589-4420.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures

1. Each inmate shall be allowed to have two (2) twenty-five (25) minute visits per week. Each inmate shall be allowed to have six (6) approved visitors. An inmate shall be allowed to have one (1) visitor at any one time.
2. Visiting week will start on Monday. Twenty-five (25) minutes will be allowed for each visit. This may be extended or shortened at the discretion of the supervisor on duty.
3. Picture identification with address is required of all visitors.
4. No visitors will be allowed under the age of eighteen (18). Any violations will result in the termination of the visit.
5. A visitor application is available at the request of the inmates. The visitor form must be totally completed with visitor’s name, address, date of birth, phone number, and relationship to the inmate. Incomplete forms will be returned to the inmate.
To request to become a visitor on an inmate’s list, please write a letter to that inmate at:
Dubuque County Jail
770 Iowa St
Dubuque, IA 52001
7. Visits shall be allowed to members of the immediate family (at least 18 years of age), which includes the following: Spouse, children, father, mother, legal guardian, sisters, brothers, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or friend.
8. Denial of visits is at the discretion of jail administration.
9. The general rules for visitation in this section do not affect visits by attorneys or members of the clergy.
10. Inmate visitation is a privilege and may be suspended at any time.
11. When coming to visit please come to 855 Central Ave in Dubuque, IA. Cell phones and cameras are not permitted in the visitation area. Any violators will be responsible for the termination of the visit.

Jail visitation days are:
Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM & 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Holidays are non-visiting days due to office hours being closed.
To set up a visit please call 563-589-4420 ext. 2 between 5pm-10pm the night BEFORE you wish to visit (Sunday-Thursday).

Money may be deposited to an inmate’s account by cash or credit card by depositing money at the jail lobby, via phone or internet.
Lobby- Money may be deposited at the kiosk in the lobby of the Dubuque Law Enforcement Center located at 770 Iowa Street Dubuque Iowa 52001
Phone- Money may be deposited to an inmate’s account by dialing (866)345-1884.
Internet- Money may be deposited by going to
*Cash, checks or money orders sent via the mail will not be placed on an inmate’s
account without prior approval of jail administration.

In order to allow inmates to call you from jail you must have an account set up on your phone. In order to set up an account please call Inmate Calling Solutions at 1-888-506-8407.

Sex Offender Search and Lookup

All registered sex offenders are registered on either a national or state sex offender database. The people on these databases have been convicted of a sex or kidnapping crime. The definition of a sex offender is a person convicted of a crime involving sex, including rape, molestation, and production or distribution of child pornography.

You can access this information online for Dubuque County by going to this link, but bear in mind that searches sometimes reveal primary last known addresses or, rather the block that they live on. You are also required to accept a disclosure to use the database.

Bail and Bail Bondsman

The bail and bond process is used to secure your release from jail in exchange for meeting certain conditions. It is imposed to ensure that you will make your court dates and not commit any further offenses while out. An Iowa criminal lawyer will bring up the issue of bail at your initial appearance before a judge. The judge makes a determination as to the conditions for your release until your next court date

Just as Iowa provides sentencing guidelines, it offers guidelines for bail bonds. The bond schedule for crimes other than forcible felonies and misdemeanors is as follows:

Manufacturing or delivery of certain controlled substances – $25,000
Felony for manufacturing or delivery of certain controlled substances – $50,000
Class B felony – $25,000
Class C felony – $10,000
Class D felony – $5,000
Aggravated misdemeanor – $2,000
Serious misdemeanor – $1,000
Simple misdemeanor – $300

Contact the Dubuque County Public Defender
Public defender’s provide: counsel upon arrest, representation during criminal investigative proceedings, interviewing witnesses, arrange bail, conduct pretrial discovery, withdraw pleas, suppression of evidence motions, jury selection, opening statements, legal research, and more
Name:Dubuque Public Defender
Address:909 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa, 52001
Hours:Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Dubuque County Probation Department
Probation officers hold offenders accountable by ensuring that financial restitution is being paid to victims and community service is completed. The probation department provides warrant searches, sex offender lookups, DWI conviction information, adult or youth misdemeanor and felony offense records.
Office:Dubuque County Probation Department
Location:745 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa, 52001
Dubuque County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined78
Avg Daily Population76
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll32
Full time total employees32
Total salaries and wages3304787
Other operating expenditures446375
Total construction costs10821132
Equipment, furnishings, etcnot applicable
Year of original construction1974
Year of major renovation2004
Name of new facilitynot applicable

Address: 770 IOWA STREET DUBUQUE IA 52001

Dubuque County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 201655,049
Number Employed Annual Average, 201653,058
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 20161,991
Unemployment Rate, 20163.6
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201557,862
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Dubuque County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 201411,226
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 201512.0
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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