Search Inmates in Noble County, Indiana. Results May Include: Arrests, Charges, Mugshot, Booking Date, Booking Number, Status, Description, Code, Level, Count, Personal Description.

Noble County Indiana Sheriff Overview

The Noble County is located in Northwest Indiana. It was created in 1836 and named in honor of Governor Noah Noble. The county seat is Albion. The zip codes in Noble County are 46794, 46796, 46701, 46710, 46732, 46755, 46760, 46763, 46767, and 46784.

The chief law enforcement officer in Noble County is Sheriff Douglas A. Harp. Chief Deputy Chad Willett is the second-in-command of the Sheriff’s Office. He oversees the operations of the various divisions in the department. You can get in touch with either officer by calling (260) 636-2182.

Noble County Sheriff’s Office:
Address: 210 7th Street, Albion, IN 46701
Phone: (260) 636-2182

Inmate Search in Noble County Jail

The Noble County Jail does not have an inmate roster published online. If you wish to locate an individual at this facility, you can call the jail at (260) 636-6404. The jail has a rated capacity of 253 beds.

Important Jail Policies and Procedures:

Inmates at the Noble County Jail are allowed to visit with family and friends. They are responsible for filling out an Approved Visitors List with the complete information of 5 visitors. Only individuals on the list will be allowed to visit. Visits will be limited to three (3) visitors per inmate per week.

Minor children (under 18) will only be allowed to visit if they are members of the inmate’s immediate family and accompanied by an approved adult. Visitors aged 16 and above will be required to present a U.S. government issued identification.

No personal items will be allowed inside the facility. Contact visits are not allowed.

To schedule a visitation, visitors must call (866) 340-7879 at least 24 hours before your desired visitation time and day.

The visitation schedule is as follows:

A,B,C,E,F,G,I Blocks
Monday – Thursday Only
8:30 to 11:00 a.m. (last scheduled visit at 10:30 a.m.)
2:00 to 4:00 p.m. (last scheduled visit at 3:30 p.m.)
7:30 to 10:00 p.m. (last scheduled visit at 9:30 p.m.)

D,H Blocks
Sunday Only
2:00 to 6:20 p.m. (last scheduled visit at 6:00 p.m.)
7:30 to 9:40 p.m. (last scheduled visit at 9:20 p.m.)

R Cells
Monday – Thursday Only
7:30 to 10:0 p.m. (last scheduled visit at 9:30 p.m.)

Saturday: 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Family and friends can send funds for commissary purchases by depositing money into an inmate’s account using the Jail ATM kiosk, going online at, or sending money orders made payable to the inmate to this address – Noble County Jail, PO Box 22, Albion, IN 46701.

Sex Offender Search and Lookup:

A sex offender is a person who was found guilty of a crime involving sexual misconduct such as sexual assault, prostitution, and child pornography. Federal law mandates that this type of offender must submit his information to local law enforcement to be entered in the state and national sex offender registries. To locate sex offenders in Noble County, you can visit

Bear in mind that you must read the disclaimer before using the registry. Also, some offenders fail to comply with the registration law. As such, you may find some records only have last known addresses listed.

Bail and Bondsman

Bail is the money pledged to the court in order to secure the temporary release of a pretrial inmate. The money will be used to guarantee the defendant’s return to court once the trial starts. Failure to appear will result in the defendant losing the money.

A bondsman is an individual in the business of posting bail for defendants who cannot afford to do so on their own. In exchange for his service, a bondsman will charge a non-refundable fee equal to 10% of the bail amount.

Contact the Noble County Public Defender
Public defender’s provide: counsel upon arrest, representation during criminal investigative proceedings, interviewing witnesses, arrange bail, conduct pretrial discovery, withdraw pleas, suppression of evidence motions, jury selection, opening statements, legal research, and more
Name:Noble County Public Defender
Address:110 East Jefferson Street, Albion, Indiana, 46701
Noble County Probation Department
Probation officers hold offenders accountable by ensuring that financial restitution is being paid to victims and community service is completed. The probation department provides warrant searches, sex offender lookups, DWI conviction information, adult or youth misdemeanor and felony offense records.
Office:Noble County Probation Department
Location:1 North 8th Street, Noblesville, Indiana, 46060
Noble County Jail Statistics
Number of Persons Confined168
Avg Daily Population189
Name of new facilitynot applicable
Full time payroll37
Full time total employees37
Total salaries and wages945015
Other operating expenditures404036
Total construction costs0
Equipment, furnishings, etc0
Year of original construction1999
Year of major renovationnot applicable
Name of new facilitynot applicable

Address: 7TH STREET ALBION IN 46701

Noble County Unemployment and Median Household Income
Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 201623,363
Number Employed Annual Average, 201622,414
Number Unemployed Annual Average, 2016949
Unemployment Rate, 20164.1
Median Household Income Annual Average, 201551,876
Sources: Unemployment – Bureau of Labor Statistics LAUS data, Median Household Income – Census Bureau SAIPE data, Rural Classifications – USDA Economic Research Service
Noble County Poverty Data
Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 20144,560
Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 20159.8
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Model-based Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)

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