25Aug 2016
Aug 25, 2016

Hail to Ada County Court System’s Revamp for Modernization

On August 3, 2016, Ada County released an official communication to the public through their website, that the county’s court system will be transitioning from the legacy paper processing and data processing system, known as to the new iCourt system. This newly adapted courthouse system will serve as the new Idaho Supreme Court official website, which was successfully launched on August 8, 2016. iCourt replaced the former Idaho Statewide Trial Court Automated System (ISTARS) which had been the judicial system utilized by the state for a number of years.

The press release informed the public about the transition to the new systems, and what impact to expect from August 3 until the launch date for the affected users. On the announcement, the public was informed of the certain services to be affected due to the revamp. This included the slower pace of services provided at the courthouse, some delays in the payment postings, online payments unavailability, and unable to schedule court dates and file new civil cases unless it requires urgency. The officials advised the public to stay away from the legacy system as possible until the launch of iCourt, except for those who have previously scheduled appointments with the courthouse, as these should carry on without delays.

iCourt is a new technology that supports efficiency, integration and access rolled into one dynamic tool which cuts the processing time and filing hassles more than half compared to the old data process. The new system allows ease of record search through its integrated database across all counties using iCourt. One can also make online payments or get contact information for a certain county office through redirection links. If the information to be located is still part of the legacy system, one can always check this through the Data Repository of iCourt, until all data has transitioned to the new system.

This modernized judicial processing system is aimed to be used by all counties in Idaho in the next couple of years. Ada County Court is luckily the second county in Idaho that adapted this system. iCourt was first launched in Twin Falls County on June 22, 2015. After the successful transition from the legacy system to the highly intuitive iCourt system of Ada County, next in line would be Districts 4 & 5 of Idaho on April 3, 2017.

With all the changes come friction and “birth pains”, Ada County Commission Chairman Jim Tibbs is expecting the challenges in adapting to the new technology, not discounting glitches and other instances due to the change. However, he has assured the community that his office is fully committed to doing their best in ensuring that the transition will be handled by the judicial team in full control. He further assures his community about limiting any adverse impact to the concerned agencies and individuals who have business with the courthouse.

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